lunedì 25 marzo 2013

"Rugby is love"

Basta ho deciso di tornare a scrivere un po' in italiano, ho bisogno di esercitarmi un po' perche' sto peggiorando sempre di piu'! Hahaha
Be l'highlight della scorsa settimana e' stato il torneo di rugby infrascolastico che si e' tenuto sabato. Io e altre 7/8 ragazze ci siamo allenate con un istruttore per imparare a giocare a rugby a 7 per circa tre settimane e finalmente questo sabato abbiamo partecipato a questo tanto atteso torneo.. Era la prima volta che giocavamo una partita vera e propria per cui eravamo un po' nervose ma elettrizate allo stesso momento; alla fine della giornata eravamo davvero contente di aver avuto la possibilita' di allenarci coi ragazzi perche' con loro abbiamo avuto l'occasione di darci dentro davvero nei placcaggi senza aver paura di fargli male hahah. Beh comunque, la mattina alle 9 ci siamo ritrovate a questa scuola dove si teneva il torneo, che ha un "prato" abbastanza grande da poter essere diviso in due campi da gioco, ci siamo riscaldate, abbiamo fatto le foto ufficiali e...Abbiamo finalmente giocato!!
Prima partita.. Per qualche ragione che non ho capito non dovevamo vincere, quindi ce la siamo presa calma e abbiamo imparato come giocare contro un avversario che non conosciamo.. Le ragazze nell'altra squadra erano enormi!!!  Hahah abbiamo perso, ma ci e' stato davvero utile per capire chi e' brava a cosa.
Beh, ora non me ne sto qui a raccontarvi le altre tre partite perche' vi annoierei e passo subito al sodo: non abbiamo passato il primo girone! Non ce la siamo presa affatto perche' in fondo eravamo la prima squadra di rugby a 7 del nostro liceo e non avevamo nessun sostituto e di consegueza abbiamo dovuto giocare sotto il sole cocente tutte e 4  le partite. Abbiamo avuto una giornata fantastica tra lesioni e ferite varie e siamo tutte contente di esserci iscritte! :D
 Il giorno dopo ero letteralmente a pezzi, mi faceva male qualunque muscolo del corpo! Hahah sono praticamente stata a letto tutto il giorno cercando di muovermi il meno possibile.. Oggi mi sento meglio, yayyy!
Here's a couple of pics!

The amazing girls!!

Us with our amazing coach mrs. Michaela Sandersons and the bottle man Ben Ottery :)

St. Fairy's rocks guys! (Siccome la nostra e' una scuola cattolica privata, le altre scuole ci hanno dato un soprannome, da st. Mary's a st. Fairy's! haha)

Rugby is loooooove!

lunedì 18 marzo 2013

It's disco baby!

Okay so, last Friday we had a disco night at school! Oh my gosh you have no idea how much fun it was!!! For you people in Italy.. You don't know what you're missing out on! I think I almost had more fun than when I go out clubbing hahaha. Oh and I decided that when i come back I'll force the student council to organize one in the gym and everyone has to come dressed up as something or someone.
I went off-topic, whoops! As i was saying we had this disco night on friday and the theme was athletes vs. mathletes. At first i thought i was gonna go as a mathlete but I realized that everyone always likes to dress up as nerrrrrds, soo I decided to be original and i borrowed a basketball suit AND shoes and went as an athlete! Hahaha i looked so funny cause those clothes were way too big for me and they could easily fit two people in them.. So me and two other girls (Cherine was one of them) stayed behind after school finished to make the invitations to Formal and we thought it was gonna go for like an hour or so..we ended up finishing at like 7.40 pm! So we quickly changed in our costumes and off we went to the disco with(personally) blisters and cuts all over my hands. It was oh so much fun! Cause you can dance like an idiot or just chill with people and this year they also had a photo booth for the first time sooo..people knocked themselves out with pictures and what not :)
Here are some shots from the night!

Jacob, Kate, Sam and meeee

Me, Kaitlyn and Kateee

asdfghjklisjdncduisbhvu, EEEEEEH MACARENA!

Tayla and Bianca, someon enjoys danciiiiing ;)

Sam, Jacob and Zac.. Studs! Hahah

Jacob and Cherineee

Bianca and Corinne, someone enjoys dancing part 2!

Kaitlyn and Sam, the school captains :)

One of the attempts to do a dance off, girls vs. boysss

Rachel and Caitlyn, bootiful! 

asdfghjkloiugfvxsbhjd, EEEEEH MACARENA! pt. 2

Kail and Marty, someone felt a bit too short :o

Me and Cherine, GANGSTA MAN!

Me and Katee <3

Kate, Me and Kaitlyn drama llama version ;)

Me and Sammm!

Aaaaaand all the amazing year 12s that made an effort and came to the disco to have an amazing night, love 'em all! <3

See ya soon guys!

giovedì 7 marzo 2013

This is so cool!!

Hey guys!
Okay so, at school I started Film and Television and basically we learn how to be cameramen, directors and all that jazz regarding movies. This term's assessment is.. Commercials!! So we have to design our own ad and then film it. As I love to make my life complicated with hard stuff, for the filming technique I decided to use the stop motion, and yesterday at home I did a test to see how it would look and... Oh my gosh it looks so good!! I'm so excited and i can't wait to start filming! It'll take ages to do a 30 seconds ad with the stop motion, but it's worth it!
For those of you who don't know what stop motion technique means, it's basically a series of shots of every movement; you then put them all together in a fast sequence and tadaaa! It looks like it's moving! And you can use ANYTHING, so for example i used two strings but on Youtube I watched a guy doing a video with chips. Really, you can use whatever and it'll always look awesome and cool and good! Oh you know Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride? Well in that kind of movies made with playdoh they use this technique! :D It's awesome, seriously! Hahah I might be a little overexcited by the way..
Anyway, here's my test!

Don't you just LOVE it?? Hahaha

See ya later alligators!

lunedì 4 marzo 2013

Here we go again..

Heeeey guys! Voglio fare un esperimento.. Ho deciso che ogni tanto scrivero' qualche post in inglese per farvi fare un po' di esercizio (haha) e perche' per me al momento e' molto piu' facile ora come ora. Quindi.. There it goes!
Heyy guys! So, guess what? It's flooding again! Haha yeah, it's been raining for a week and some days now, and because of that the rivers started to flood again.. And this means days off school!! :DD So basically wednesday and thursday I slept in and had some cute coffee dates and what not with people. Aw yes, loved it! It's a bit annoying though cause for example i can't go out riding.. Yepp, the paddock where the horse is gets quite muddy and it's not good to ride and the other thing is that the bridge that gets there is flooded so we would have to go the long way and that just takes too long and everyone's busy so i wasn't able to go.. :( Ohh well, next week they say it's gonna stop raining finally! Yayayayyy
Another thing i couldn't do was driving down to Brisbane and catch up with some friends, and that made me a bit sad but ehhh, we'll surely drive down some time soon cause Isabella will have to see some kind of play at the theater and we'll all go down with her :)
Moving on, today is the 2nd of march and exactly 3 months from now i'll be flying home and.. I don't know, I'm excited and depressed at the same time. I wanna go home but I wanna stay here and enjoy this new life I started. Ahhhhh doesn't make much sense, but if you experienced something like this in your life then you know what i'm talking about :)
Soooo, lately didn't happen much stuff.. As my school is a catholic school, to "bless" the students and the beginning of a new year, we had an opening mass! And as I'm in the choir..I got to siiiiing :) Then all the year 12s received their badges from the school principal and I had my moment of glory.. When they called my name they didn't really know how to say my surname soooo they just said: "Costanza.. From Italy!" and apparently it was quite funny cause all the parents and students laughed..Hahah
Oh I got a picture now that I think about it, i'll post it to you lovely guyssss :D

(Or he''l kill me haha) Credits to Samuel Truscott for the photooo

Tadaaaa! Oh and in full formal uniform, so you know how i look without the jet-lag ahaha

See you soon guys!